Hard money lenders are private lenders. They tend to care more about the deal on the table rather than your credit score. While your credit rating may not be a significant factor, your track history is. Hard money lenders want to know that their investment will be returned as promised. As lenders get to know certain individuals, they’re more likely to do business with them in the future. But, where do you find these private lenders?
Here are three ways to find hard money lenders to fund your fix-and-flip deals.
- Word of Mouth
There’s a good chance that you got into the fix-and-flip industry from someone you know. Start out by asking them who they’ve used to finance their deals. Or, network with other real estate investors you’ve met as well as friends, family, and neighbors. You never know when you might come across a great referral that starts you on the path to success.
One of the great things about a word-of-mouth referral is that you can get feedback on the lender. Hard money lenders are flexible, but because they are private, they have their own rules. You might learn from a friend that one lender requires more money down, while another puts more emphasis on credit.
- Online Research
If you don’t know anyone in the fix-and-flip business, you can find a lender online. We can’t stress enough how important it is to do your research. There are many loan scams that can be difficult to spot. We remind borrowers to be wary of lenders who offer unsecured loans, request money upfront, or guarantee their approvals.
An established lender like First Equity Funding is a great company to do business with. Our agency has paired with hundreds of real estate investors who are interested in making a deal. You deserve to feel confident in your lender and the relationship you build.
- Local Lenders
Meet local lenders by attending networking events, either in person or online. Networking is important in this industry because you depend on others to help with the project. Local lenders are best because they understand the immediate market and which properties offer the best return on value. First Equity Funding focuses on flix-and-flip loans in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.
Are you interested in getting funding for your fix-and-flip property? Call First Equity Funding today to learn more about your options for hard money lending.